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Our Story

Our Story

Fordham Manor Church, established in 1696 for the glory of God, continues to serve the Kingsbridge section of the Bronx, NY. Reflecting the composition of New York City, Fordham Manor is made up of people from diverse backgrounds. Our congregation is not only diverse in our ethnic make up but also in our ages. Every week young children, teens, young adults, couples, singles and seniors come together to worship Jesus Christ, our Savior.

Loving God, Loving Each Other & Loving the Community

Our desire is to know Christ and make Him known to others. It is our aim as a church to connect with fellow believers, grow in God's Word, pray daily and share God's love with everyone we meet. 

We have a vibrant, contemporary worship service on Sunday mornings at 11:30 am. Currently, we have about 50 people attending the services in person with social distancing and about 100 attending online via Facebook Live and Youtube Live. 

Through God’s grace, Fordham Manor Church was revitalized under the leadership of Rev. Irving Rivera. Our current Senior Pastor, Rev. Joe Hernandez, joined Fordham Manor in 1995 and became the Senior Pastor in 2012.

As a congregation, we are committed to seeing people meet and know Christ through preaching, teaching and serving. Because of this commitment, we believe that every member is a minister and every week we witness the congregation using their gifts to serve the community and each other.



Convenient Location

The church is conveniently located close to Lehman College and various mass transit option. We're off the Kingsbridge Road stop on the 4 Train, B/D Train, 1,2,3,9 and 22 buses. By car we are off of the Fordham Road ramp of the Major Deegan.




​Since April 2012, Joe Hernandez has served as Senior Pastor of Fordham Manor Church.

Pastor Joe first attended Fordham Manor Church (FMC) in 1995. He was born and raised in the Kingsbridge section of the Bronx and was raised by parents who taught him the fear of the Lord.

During his college years at Franklin and Marshall College (’95) he made a firm commitment to follow Jesus through the ministry of Intervarsity Christian Fellowship. As a member at FMC,​ he served by leading the Young Adults ministry, becoming a deacon, an elder, and ​Assistant Pastor (2009).  

Joe met his wife Jessica at Fordham Manor and they​ have been married since 2001. Joe is also an alumnus of Alliance Theological Seminary (M.Div – ’10).

Pastor Olga Rodriguez - Figueroa

Assistant Pastor Of Worship


Olga Rodriguez Figueroa came to Fordham Manor Reformed Church in 1994 in search of a multicultural church. She found that at FMC, and fell in love with the people and the Kingsbridge community. As a member, she has served as a Worship Leader, Choir Director, Deacon, and Elder. She is currently serving as Assistant Pastor.


Olga is married to Peter Figueroa and has a daughter, Lauren Figueroa. A graduate of Baruch College and currently working full-time for the NYC Department of Education as a School Placement Officer. 



Assistant Pastor

Born and raised in New York City, Vincent came to faith at age 17. He is a graduate of Lehman College (CUNY) where he met his wife Vivian. 

Together they began attending FMC in 1981 and were married in the church in '82. They had the privilege of serving at FMC during its dramatic resurgence in the 80's & 90's. 

Vincent has faithfully served as a jack-of-all-trades at FMC including building & grounds, evangelism, youth ministry, worship, teaching, deacon, and elder. 

Vinnie and Vivian play guitar and share their music at churches, coffee houses , secular rock clubs, festivals and on live radio. 

Sensing God's call to pastoral ministry, Vinnie earned his Master of Divinity at Western Theological Seminary in Holland, Michigan.


Our Vision

The vision of Fordham Manor Church is to see many come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. To see our  neighborhood encounter the greatness of God through social services, and to equip the Saints so that they can do the work of ministry.

We are a Multi-Cultural Church

We will be a church that celebrates and reflects the diversity of the city.  Enabling us to:

  • develop an appreciation of different people and cultures

  • experience a greater richness in our worship

  • effectively share our resources

  • bear witness to the power of the Gospel to the Glory of God, the Father.

Jesus Christ is the author and perfecter of our faith (Hebrews 12:2). He is the solid rock on which we are called to build our life on (Matthew 7:24). Jesus is the vine in which we are to abide in if we are to do anything at all (John 15:4).  

We resolve as a church to preach Christ and to know him (1 Cor 2:2) and make Him known to the world (2 Cor 4:4). 

We are a Christ-Centered Church

We are a Spirit-Led Church

The Holy Spirit is our helper, comforter, and guide (John 16). He takes up permanent residence in the life of every believer and it is our desire to be led by the Spirit day in and day out (Romans 8:9). The Spirit of God empowers and encourages the believers and enables to do the work of ministry. 

We allow the Holy Spirit to work in our hearts and lead in worship. 

our vision

Who We Are


Gloria Aponte

Margie Ortiz

Carolyn Harrison


Adam Garman

 Ada Lugo

Justin Molloy

Sarah Bhatti

Ludy Caba

Joanna Cuesta

Carmen Rios

Teresa Mercedes


Pastor Olga Figueroa

Women's Ministry


Chris Gervasi

Men’s & Lifegroup Ministries

Dilliana Guzman

Mending Hearts Ministry


Pastor Joe & Jessie Hernandez

Couples Ministry

Justin & Hilary Molloy

Young Adults Ministries


Satara Richards

Ushers Ministry 

Joanna Cuesta

Evangelism Ministry 

Carmen Rios



Monseratte “Mity” Santiago

Helping Hands Ministry 

Grace Patricia Tello

Children’s Ministry


Daniel Martinez

Teen Ministry


Dilliana Guzman

Carmen Rios

who we are
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